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Electronics (Engn/Phys 208), winter 2021

Syllabus and Course Calendar

Electronics Syllabus and Course Policies

Electronics Overview: what we’ll study and do

Course Calendar: Topics Covered by Day [updated 29 Mar 2021]

Integrative Assignments/Labs

Pdf manual/assignment and Resources Due Date
Lab Report Grading Rubric used all term long
Assignment 1: Binary Number Systems [.pdf]

Binary and Hex Number Systems [.pptx]

29 Jan
Assignment 2: MOSFETs and Logic Gates [.pdf]

MOSFETS and logic gates [.pptx]

MOS Logic Gate Worksheet [.pdf]

Logic Gate: Example Applications  [.pdf]

Full Adder Worksheet [.pdf]

74xx Logic Gates pinouts

09 Feb
Assignment 3: Trip down Memory Lane:  Memory Elements [.pdf]

Latches and RAM [.pptx]

SR and D Latch Worksheet [.pdf]

RAM cell worksheet [.pdf]


24 Feb

Assignment 4: MCUs inside and out: ADCs, I2C and Flash Memory [.pdf]

I2C Protocol & Hardware [.pptx]

ADCs: sampling theorem and timer interrupts [.pptx]  and ADC sampling workshop [.pdf]

Flash and RAM workshop [.pdf]   and Flash Memory Intro [pptx]

Circular Buffers: processing data streams [.pptx]

   25 Mar

Design Project

  1. Project Brainstorm/Preliminary Proposals [.pdf]
  2. Design Project Weekly Update [.pdf] [.docx]
  3. Design Document I: Problem Statement, System Overview, and Bill of Materials [.pdf]
  4. Design Project: Final Report Guidelines [.pdf]

Supplementary Resources

   useful stuff posted here throughout term

  1. Circuit Schematic and PCB Layout Tools [.pdf]
  2. Electronics Vendors/Where to buy parts for projects [.pdf]
  3. Microcontroller and Wireless Options [.pdf]
  4. Hardware Communication Protocols: I2C role play [.pdf]  and bosch bno055 register map [.pdf] and i2c protocol [.pdf]