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Capstone Design (Engn 378), fall 2023

Syllabus and Course Calendar

Syllabus and Course Policies
Capstone Weekly Schedule [last updated 05 Dec 2023]
Key Dates and Assignments


Weekly Progress Reports

Capstone Weekly Progress Report Template [.pdf] [.docx]
Grading Rubrics: Progress Reports and Logbooks [.pdf] [.docx]

Ethics of Design Speaker Series

Danielle Wood: Readings [.pdf];  video recording of talk [www];  Written Reflection Assignment [.docx]
Sara Hendren: Readings [.pdf]; video recording of talk [www]; Written Reflection Assignment [.docx]

Engineering Logbooks

Logbook advice and Rubric [.pdf]
Example Engineering Logbook (courtesy of Nick St. Pierre ’20).  [.pdf]. Note: this is a 125MB download

Writing Workshops (for fall term final report)

Document I: Background and Motivation  [.pdf]  (workshop date: 06 Oct)
Document II: Defining the Problem & Detailing Prototype Solutions [.pdf] (workshop date: 31 Oct)
Final Report Guidelines [.pdf

Technical Design Review

TDR Guidelines and Information [.pdf]
TDR Rubric [.pdf]